It’s been a hectic day so far. Back to back shoots, and the night was already here. I have yet to explore Washington to do my street shooting, but at this rate we might run a hour in downtown Seattle. But really who needs to go around when Seattle’s very own Shay Bella is right there. Let’s do this!
Mark: So where are you from?
Shay: I’m based in Seattle / Tacoma, Washington.
Mark: What got you into modeling?
Shay: After having my daughter I needed some motivation to keep me going.
Mark: Wait you have a kid? Haha wow you look great!
Shay: Haha thanks! But yea I need something to keep me going with my fitness and health. So getting back in shape for photoshoots and shows definitely helped me get into modeling.
Mark: Well I give you some major props for doing what you gotta do. What’s your favorite TV show at the moment?
Shay: I’ve been on “Orange Is The New Black” and “Empire” I guess you can say I love my Netflix series haha.
Time flies when you doing back to back shoots. Unfortunately we needed to eat, and time was not on our side. Working with Shay was a great experience, and we were able to get some amazing shots. Make sure to check Shay’s social network at:
IG: @ShayTheBella
Twitter : @MszSteezy
Snapchat: ShayTheBellaa
Make sure to visit my web-portal at , Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @MarkyG.Me , and give me a like on my fb page here!
-Mark Gonzales
(Dj Marky G)
Photographer, Dj, Gamer, Nerd, CEO of Enix LLC