I wish I had more time… I just flew in from doing some work in Las Vegas and completely missed Friday! But I was able to live through the event through the Unofficial Crunchyroll Fan Page on Facebook and the Discord I made last year. I had no clue that the community would grow so much! I was able to meet some of the members, and even get some lunch with a couple of them.
This year Crunchyroll did an amazing job putting up the convention! It’s actually one of the most organized conventions I’ve been to! The theme of a mini city with the tickets being boarding passes really made you feel like you touchdown into another world! Big props to the staff! Hmm how do I get to work for them…
My experience was really nice. I didn’t really hit any bumps, but because of the environment of the con overall, I actually put the camera on the back burner to enjoy everything about the con. With the little time I had, I manage to both enjoy myself and meet some amazing cosplayers! I also got to see some old friends, and was even able to get into more conversation with them because of the relax atmosphere. This con is basically the mark of the end of the season in California and man I wish there was more… But until next time!
Some of you guys may not know, but I shot some photos with a Canon T5i since my old camera is well.. done for. So if you would like to support me to getting a new camera please shoot me a donation! Every bit helps! https://streamlabs.com/marky__g
Primary Camera: Osmo Pocket
Secondary: Canon T5i with 24-70 L Lens
Music from Epidemic Sounds Lvly feat. Frank Moody – On The Clock
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I appreciate the support! Hit that donate button if you want to help me out!

Visit my web-portal at www.MarkyG.me , subscribe to my Youtube Channel Marky G, follow me on Twitter: @MarkyG_Me & Instagram @MarkyG.Me , and give me a like on my fb page here!
-Mark Gonzales
Director, Photographer, Dj, Gamer, Nerd