Yea I thuoght my day was over. But it wasn’t… My bed was just right there, but the day kept going. This Seattle trip was only on day 1 still, and I was exhausted. Luckily Merari gave me a break… Kinda.. Well I couldn’t.. Seeing Merari I just wanted to shoot more. Check her out.
Mark: Where are you from?
Merari: I’m from Seattle, Washington.
Mark: What ethnicity are you?
Merari: I’m Chicana.
Mark: What got you into modeling?
Merari: It’s something I always wanted to do as a little girl. As you can see dreams come true.
Mark: Any TV shows your really into?
Merari: I would have to say Ballers would be my favorite TV show at the moment.
Mark: If you had the oppertunity to have any super power, what would your ability be?
Merari: I would want to be invisible.
Mark: Good choice, I would definetly have you rob a bank for me haha
Merari: pssh like your gonna get any money.
Mark: Please? haha Your in the time of the great Mongol Empire, and you are in the service of the great Khan. What would be your weapon of choice?
Merari: I would be deadly with the sword.
Mark: You are in the world of the Matrix fighting for the survival of man. Who is in your 3 person squad?
Merari: Deadpool because he can’t die easily he’s super strong and funny. Maria Chavez because she’s brave and Superman for the obvious fact that he’s strong and can fly. He’s basically Invincible.
Mark: Until you throw a green rock at him… But Deadpool would is a great choice. Who’s the biggest crush you have at the moment?
Merari: Florencio Coria Mancilla haha
Mark: How many Pokemon have you caught so far?
Merari: 95
Mark: Like Ash and Picachu, who would be your partnered pocket monster?
Merari: I gotta say Flareon… Because he’s soooo cute!
My tiring day was almost over… Just a couple more hours until I can finally get some rest. It was great working with Merari, and we only talked for a short amount of time. On to the next…
Make sure to follow her social media network at
Facebook: Merari Lara
Instagram: @LaraMerari
Make sure to visit my web-portal at , Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @MarkyG.Me , and give me a like on my fb page here!
-Mark Gonzales
(Dj Marky G)
Photographer, Dj, Gamer, Nerd, CEO of Enix LLC