I hate traffic… But I love anime… The things I do for my love… Since I’am based out in the Bay Area, I had to make a grueling 2 hour drive to Sacramento for the yearly Sac-Anime Convention. This is going to be my first Sac-Anime event, and I was hoping to go in cosplay this time… Well… Yea that didn’t happen. I arrived in downtown Sacramento, at the Sacramento Convention Center. The streets were full of DeadPools, and Survey Corps uniforms from Attack on Titan… Yep… I wish it was like this everyday…
Sac-Anime first began at the Sun Rise mall in 2004 as an extension of Sac-Con. Since then, Sac-Anime has been delivering anime, and comic fans with a great production, bringing guest panels, vendors, and activities that any Con enthusiast will enjoy. This year Sac-Anime presented several guest of honors such as Berenoch Adams, Jason Faunt, Mark Sheppard, and Amber Goldfarb (see the full list at here ).
I was happy to be out of traffic finally. I parked my car, and opened the door…. Yea it’s burning hot… I just couldn’t wait til I get into registration, and run around.
After registration, I entered the exhibition hall. The exhibition hall held both artist, and vendors such as Loki Fashion, 168 Dragon, Blade Daddy, and Epic Cosplay ( see full list here ). Like a kid in a candy store, I manage to buy swords, an Assassins Creed hidden blade, and small fire flower from Super Mario…. Because if a zombie apocalypse happens, you gotta be prepared. Afterwards I scoped up the upper levels of the convention center. There were Autograph sessions, cosplay meets, gaming rooms (both D&D, and console gaming), tournaments, contest, and a Cafe Hoshi! Initially planning to only go for one day, I decided to upgrade my pass for two days since their was only a five dollar difference. I ended my trip a bit early (about 6PM), and drove 2 hours home.
That (Saturday) night I was working on the photos I took…. and then disaster. My hard drive failed as I was watermarking my photos… The drive was completely dead… All the photos I took on day two are gone. I was able to scavenge four photos. Hopefully i’ll be able to send it out to recover the data. I looked at my arm with my two day Sac-Anime pass attached. It was destiny for me to return.
The next day there was no traffic! I manage to make it to Sacramento in about 1.5 hours. Although there were less people attending Sunday, many cosplayers were present, and I was able to catch some shots of them.
Sac-Anime was a great event, and I will be returning next year! I want to thank, and congratulate everyone at Sac-Anime for a well organized con. It was great meeting people, and I hope to see you all again at other cons!
If you are reading this, and I took your photo on Saturday, I will post them as soon as the data is recovered. >_<; Sorry!
**UPDATE** Unfortunately I was only able to recover the preview files from the program, so the sizes of certain files are small.
Lookin to attend the next Sac-Anime convention? Check out their website at http://www.sacanime.com/
Make sure to visit my webportal at www.MarkyG.me , Follow me on Instagram & Twitter, @DjMarkyG , and give me a like on my fb page here!
-Mark Gonzales
(Dj Marky G)
Photographer, Dj, Gamer, Nerd, CEO of Enix LLC