Jessica Love – 09/21/2014

She’s a country girl living in the city of angels. Ambitious, beautiful, and she knows how to get dirty when she needs to. She also like Mario kart!! VROOOMMM!! Her name is Jessica Love.

Mark: Where are you from?

Jessica: I live out here in SoCal, but originally I’am from Colorado.

Mark: What kinda movies are you into?

Jessica: I like scary movies, I watch every single one that comes out haha or try to.

Mark: What’s your all time favorite scary movie?

Jessica: Umm probably “The Ring” or “The Grudge”

Mark: What would you do in a situation where you see the girl from “The Ring” suddenly pop out of your TV?

Jessica: Run

Mark: Yea… That would probably be the best thing to do… I would try to kick her back in haha. So which character are you in a scary movie? Would you be the person the die first? The helpless girl in distress? Or kick ass zombie slayer?

Jessica: Combination of first to die, and kick ass zombie slayer. Il try to be kickass but most likely die in the process haha.

Mark: Favorite car?

Jessica: I like big cars, trucks and big SUV’s.

Mark: Heh, so you like big things…. Bowchickawow

Jessica: Shut up Mark… Just stop…

Mark: I was just saying big cars! haha well your are a country girl. Haha Favorite TV show at the moment?

Jessica: I’ve been watching “Orange is the New Black”. I just started.

Mark: Man I think that’s a long ass series. Gonna take half your life to finish it haha. Favorite childhood video game?

Jessica: MARIO KART!!!!

Jessica was awesome! She’s funny, chill, and had a warm personality. She’s pretty open to talk to, so if you need some relationship advice, check out her Youtube channel, or send her a tweet! You can check out her social network at:

Website :

Instagram: @Jessicakes33

Twitter: @JloveJlove11


Jessica is a great friend, and we hope to be making more content later in the future!

Make sure to visit my web-portal at , Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @DjMarkyG , and give me a like on my fb page here!

-Mark Gonzales
(Dj Marky G)
Photographer, Dj, Gamer, Nerd, CEO of Enix LLC

    1. Marky G

      Hello Kumar, As you know working with certain models and buying equipment has finally lead me to starting a Patreon. I am asking all my regulars and supporters to help me to continue my work. I really want to shoot with Jessica again but I need all the help I can to make sure we can have that happen. If you can swing by and if you can support me. Any bit helps. Thank you so much for your support. -Mark

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