My trip down to LA was mainly for this. The first Tuner Evolution on the West Coast! This was an exciting event, as Tuner Evolution has mainly been on the [ … ]
Category: Articles
Vlog 007 – I got my new Peak Design Capture V3!
On this 2 part Vlog I am making my way down to Anaheim for Turner Evo’s first show! Also since I backed “Peak Designs” Kickstart for the Capture V3 I [ … ]
Vlog 006 – The Nightmare Coming Back
It was time to go back home… Or so I thought… Locations: Taipei, Vancouver, San Francisco Please make sure to visit my channel and subscribe! Thank you for all the [ … ]
Vlog 005 – Last day in Taipei & ended up wanting Mcdonalds…
Last day in Taipei. Had to get some work done, some last minute shopping and check out the nightlife… Which ended in… Please make sure to visit my channel and [ … ]
Vlog 004 – Just get a tour guide (Taipei, Taiwan)
Taipei is a fun city to sight see, but there are other things lurking on it’s outskirts. Using public transportation to these locations can be costly and time consuming. In [ … ]
Vlog 003 – Being a Tourist in Taipei Part 1
Sorry not a lot of commentary or extra clips of me walking and shooting. I had to spend some quality time and relaxation for myself during my trip so Vlogging [ … ]
Vlog 002 – Street Photography in Ximending and Wanhua Districts
I was suppose to spend the night of my arrival at the night market. But I messed up… I set my alarm clock wrong and didn’t wake up until the [ … ]
Vlog 001 – When you land somewhere foreign and you think… “How the hell…”
I hope I’am not the only one. But do you ever land somewhere completely foreign, where you do not understand a single word of their language and think…. How the [ … ]
Vlog 000 – Unexpected Trip To Vancouver’s Gastown
This is my first Vlog! Blog!… Whatever you want to call it. I want to take this time to introduce myself in this video. But then… Somehow got stuck in Vancouver… [ … ]
Blox Evolution 2016 – Pier 70 San Francisco
It is a challenge every event strives for. How do you make your show better than your last? There is a quote “Treat my first like my last, and my [ … ]