It’s that time of year. One of the biggest anime conventions in Northern California, Fanime has made it’s way back to San Jose. I have been at this event for years, and for those who know me… I came to geek out, wait in #LineCon, and spend massive amounts of money on everything.
But this year was different. I just got my new lens the day before, the Canon 24-70MM 2.8 Version 2. I had the itch to shoot, so for the first time I open up a schedule to shoot with some cosplayers. Originally I thought it was a great idea, but as it turns out I have pitted myself away from the convention. The plan was to set 2-3 hours just dedicated to giving my time to cosplayers, to show off their amazing work. But the hours grew, and the request became overwhelming. So many cosplayers to work with, each having put countless work hours on their fits, and I felt giving my time to them was a great way to express my appreciation to their craft. Before I know it time just went out the door. I spent all Saturday shooting. Pocket still full, badge used once, and I didn’t even make it to any of the rooms. I was happy to give my time to the cosplayers, but at the same time I couldn’t let loose at one of my favorite events. The day is over. But I still had Sunday.
One shoot book, and the rest of the day I get to do what I want. Emptied out my backpack with only my camera and flash in hand I made my way around the con. This year was set up different. Instead of having a open hallway, they push the admission area to the very front of each stairway on the lower level of the convention. This idea was great because guest did not have keep pulling out their badges to enter each hall. It gave the ability to roam freely in the convention. Every year the crowd gets bigger and bigger, and the venders are coming out with new unique items, and artist are pushing their work to their maximum ability. It was another great year despite being stuck at #Linecon (yea I spent 2 hours in line, although I heard that Thursday’s wait was 4 hours or more), and spending so much time on photoshoots. It’s ok… because I plan to make up for it by going to AnimeExpo in LA. NOW THAT’S GONNA BE INTERESTING! Til next time!
Check out the full gallery sets for Fanime at