Who ever thought that one day I get to shoot one of the worlds most famous Japanese porn stars… Well we didn’t shoot porn, and we just ended up getting Mexican food, and eating like crazy… But when it was time to get in front of the camera, she got into work, and showed the power of her seduction… This is Marica Hase!
Mark: Where are you from?
Marica: I am from Tokyo, Japan.
Mark: What got you into the adult industry?
Marica: The biggest porn production company in Japan held a big contest called “Cinderella Audition”. The winner would receive an exclusive contract to be featured in both porn and main stream media. I wanted to give it a try, because I was already working as a model at the time. I really loved being in front of cameras and wanted more modeling work. It didn’t matter to me whether I was naked or clothed. I won the contest and worked for them exclusively as their Cinderella for a few years.
Mark: Wow! and now you have fans all over the world! True Cinderella. So we are best friends when we visit Japan one day ok!? haha. Do you have any pets?
Marica: I have the cutest kitty in the world! His name is Tenn. Which means Angel in Japanese.
Mark: What is your favorite super hero or anime?
Marica: Hello Kitty! She is Japanese, but she is everywhere in the world, and loved by everyone! I want to be like her haha!
Mark: Which Sailor Moon Character would you be?
Marica: Sailor Moon! Everyone loves her!!!
Mark: I could see you in her outfit. You should cos-play her! You have to kill one, marry one, and have sex with one. Sailor moon, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury.
Marica: Kill – Nobody!! I am a happy person! Sex – Nobody!! I don’t want to have sex with girls out of the porn. I love guys!! Marry – Nobody!! I love guys!!
Mark: Haha good answers! If you had super power, which super power would you have?
Marica: Tibiusa because shes cute!!! Cute is the strongest weapon in the world.
Mark: What is your favorite type of music?
Marica: Japanese music!! But, I want to try American music too. I am interested in all countries and cultures.
It was great working with her, and can’t wait to hang out with her again soon! Really down to earth, and so cute!! Make sure to check out Marica’s social network at.
Website: www.Marica-Hase.com
Instagram: @MaricaHase
Facebook: Marica Hase
Youtube: Hase Marica
Make sure to visit my web-portal at www.MarkyG.me , Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @DjMarkyG , and give me a like on my fb page here!
-Mark Gonzales
(Dj Marky G)
Photographer, Dj, Gamer, Nerd, CEO of Enix LLC