Whitney Chase – 06/05/2016

Oh Canada… Where do I begin… She somehow died 4 times in this interview, and I still manage to be friends with her somehow… I just have to remember that during a zombie apocalpyse she would be the first one to go… At least she’s hot right? “Mark I am gonna kill you!”-Whitney … Aren’t Canadians nice? This is Whitney… of Canada…. Oh Canada….

Mark: Well your obviously from Canada. Where are you from exactly?

Whitney: Toronto! It’s a happy place everyone should be!

Mark:… This is gonna be a long interview… Favorite movie? “Hope it’s not a Canadian movie” *whispers* wait do they make…

Whitney: I can hear you…. And favorite movie right now…. I don’t know… But “Ted” was definitely one!

Mark: So word in the realm is that your platinum in League of Legends (but it’s all about bronze life) *whispers*

Whitney: Weaksauce

Mark: ANYWAYS! Who is your favorite character?

Whitney: It would be Lux.

Mark: Hit R to win.

Whitney: Shut up bronze!

Mark: What got you into modeling?

Whitney: Well… I am very shy and modeling was another way to express myself and open me up more…

Mark: Bowchicawowow… I mean… You mean another way to express myself and open up more… wait.. still bowchicawowow…

Whitney: Really…. Your gonna go there..

Mark: Favorite League team at the moment?

Whitney: CLG because their midland is godlike!

Mark: *Pulls out Cloud 9 shirt and puts it on* You could have any super power in the world. What would it be?

Whitney: I would have teleportation and teleport you into Canada…. With a CLG shirt…

Mark: EVIIIILLL!!! In a battle of against aliens, who would you have in your dream team?

Whitney: Superman, Batman, and Cat Women!

Mark: You do know that it takes only green rocks to kill Superman right? He would so be dead.

Whitney: Whatever.

Mark: Zombie apocalypse just happened. First place you go is!?

Whitney: I wouldn’t know what to do in those situations to be honest…

Mark: OMG you didn’t even try! You would of died in the alien invasion and the zombie apocalypse!

Whitney: I’ll revive….


Whitney:…. What…

Mark: …. dammit Canada… What’s one place other than the US cuz we don’t want you here!… I mean where would you visit?

Whitney: Shut up! I would go to Japan and eat all their food!

Mark: What you ever try sky diving?

Whitney: Yes I would for sure go! I’m a thrill seeker!

Mark: Wow.. That’s surprising since you would of died in such a thrill scenario!

Whitney: YEP!

Mark: Dammit Canada! So tell me… how do you feel about Teemo?

Whitney: Teemo is so fun to play but pain in the ass to go against… Little shit..

All jokes aside meeting Whitney unexpectedly during my trip to Washington was really a blessing. We somehow became really great friends, and constantly make fun of each other, but in the end of the day she has a very special place in my…. No never-mind its Canada…. “Asshole!” -Whitney

Don’t worry, we have another set coming soon!

Make sure to check out Whitney’s social media:

Instagram: @ItsWhitneyChase

Snapchat: ItsWhitneyChase

Facebook: ItsWhitneyChase

Make sure to visit my web-portal at www.MarkyG.me , follow me on Twitter & Instagram @MarkyG.Me , and give me a like on my fb page here!

-Mark Gonzales
(Dj Marky G)
Photographer, Dj, Gamer, Nerd, CEO of Enix LLC

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