Anime Expo 2016 – Day 2

Make sure to check out my coverage and gallery of Anime Expo Day 2 at!

I have no clue why I do this to myself. Pack at 12AM, stay up getting all the gear ready til 3AM, stay awake for no reason til 4AM and then start the drive to Los Angeles by 5AM… Mentally exhausted, and body wanting to just shut down, I have no reserve energy. At Fanime I was able to get some sleep at least, and I was ready to go since it was one of the biggest Anime conventions in Northern California. But since I was so busy I didn’t get a chance to enjoy myself. So I told myself, “I’ll go to Anime Expo and make up for it”. I honestly didn’t know what to expect since it was first time going to one of the oldest, and most established Anime conventions in California… As I arrive to the LA convention center, I realized how big this really was… What the Shinto… What the hell did I get myself into… This is Anime Expo 2016…

Continue reading Anime Expo 2016 – Day 2 ->

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