Darlene May – 04/25/2015

It’s late night, 1AM… The day was long… Autocon was long… And we are still shooting at the hotel. I was just exhausted at this point. Then one of the models said she played League… Suddenly not tired anymore! Say hello to Bot Lane, Darlene May!

Mark: Where are you from?

Darlene: I’m from a small town called Redlands.

Mark: How did you end up modeling?

Darlene: Since I was a little girl, I have always been interested in the entertainment business. The first time I got into modeling was four years ago in 2011, when I had to help my cousin out with his make up artist portfolio. From there, I been doing small shoots here and there for fun. Then one day, someone from a local car show noticed me, and asked me to participate in his show as a model!

Mark: So word on streets is that you use to be into video games.

Darlene: OMG! A lot of people do not know this about me! Hahaha, When I tell people I’m into gaming they get all surprised. I’m actually more of an MMORPG gamer.

Mark: NICE! What games have you got into?

Darlene: I’ve played Silkroad, Aika, and Mabinogi. I’ve been so busy with life that I haven’t been able to keep up with my games. The last game I played was League of Legends. I’m also into console games such as Call of Duty, LA Noir, and Assassins Creed. I still have my PS2 where I played Final Fantasy and DDR.

Mark: Who would be your favorite video game character.

Darlene: Don’t really have a favorite character, but I do love Irelia from League of Legends. She’s such a badass character. Definitely knows how to harass early game and once you build her right, she’s untouchable late game haha.

It was great working with Darlene! Next time I get the chance to visit Southern California, we would definitely set up another shoot! Check out her social network at:

IG: @DMayLyn

Facebook: DMayOfficial

Make sure to visit my web-portal at www.MarkyG.me , Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @DjMarkyG , and give me a like on my fb page here!

-Mark Gonzales
(Dj Marky G)
Photographer, Dj, Gamer, Nerd, CEO of Enix LLC

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